Posts From January, 2016

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Eagle Scout Alumni — January 2016

Need a Gift for a New Eagle Scout?  Consider a NESA Membership!

Do you have a new Eagle Scout in your family? Give them the gift of membership in NESA, the National Eagle Scout Association. While the Kansas City Eagle Alumni Association is free to join, NESA provides valuable resources to Eagle Scouts nationally, including significant scholarships. Go to to find out more and to join.  

Eagle Scout Reception to Honor Don Hall, Jr.

Don Hall, Jr.

The 2015 Eagle Scout Class Honoree is Don Hall, Jr. Don is the President and CEO of Hallmark Cards Inc. He holds a bachelor’s degree in economics and literature from Claremont McKenna College and an MBA from the University of Kansas. In addition to all 2015 Eagle Scout Recipients, he will be recognized at the 2015 Eagle Scout Reception on February 21, 2015 at Municipal Auditorium. Don's grandfather, Joyce C. Hall, the founder of Hallmark Cards, was the 1961 Eagle Scout Class honoree.

2015 Don Hall, JR. Class of Eagle Scouts Commemorative Coin

Royal Gathering of Eagles Back Again

Royal Gathering of Eagles

Once again, the Royal Gathering of Eagles will take place during the annual Scout Day at the K when the Royals take on the Minnesota Twins on April 10th. This year's Royal Gathering will again feature the presentation of the Kauffman Distinguished Eagle Scout Awards. If you have already purchased your tickets for Scout Day at the K, please plan to attend.

Gathering at Pinstripes

Thanks to all who attended our Eagle Scout meet-up at Pinstripes in November. A great time was enjoyed by those who attended. We plan to host more meet-ups around the Kansas City area next year. Interested in hosting or sponsoring a meet-up? Please let us know by emailing